
Issue Title
Vol 1, No 7 (2019): November 2019 Authentic Materials in Reading Comprehension Classroom: Its Effectiveness to Indonesian EFL Students’ Achievement Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Azwar Assiddiq
Vol 2, No 5 (2020): May 2020 Role of Teachers as Motivators in Learning Islamic Religious Education in Elementary School of Negeri 05 Pontianak Timur Abstract  PDF
Rianawati Rianawati, Diah Mentari, Ma’ruf Ma’ruf, Nani Tursina
Vol 4, No 1 (2022) Impact of elearning on motivation and critical thinking ability of multimedia major vocational school students Abstract  PDF
Tyo Wildan Afrizal Fardani, Meini Sondang Sumbawati, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, Tri Rijanto
Vol 2, No 11 (2020): November 2020 The Effect of Learning Model STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) Assisted by Media Quizizz on Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Class XI Indonesian History Subjects at SMA Trimurti Surabaya Abstract  PDF
Iwan Yulianto, Warsono Warsono, Nasution Nasution, Dwi Bagus Rendy A.P
Vol 1, No 7 (2019): November 2019 Motivation Measurement model to Learn Basic Buliding Construction and Survey Engineering using Confirmatory Factor Analysis Abstract  PDF
Evany Iqrammah, Tri Rijanto
Vol 1, No 5 (2019): September 2019 How Online Learning Evaluation (Kahoot) Affecting Students’ Achievement and Motivation (Case Study on it Students) Abstract  PDF
Ratu Dea Mada, Anharudin Anharudin
Vol 2, No 12 (2020): December 2020 The Influence of Self-Determination,Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Principals of State Primary School in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Abstract  PDF
Hambali Hambali, Zainuddin Zainuddin, Darwin Darwin
Vol 1, No 8 (2019): December 2019 Improve Critical Thinking Ability and Motivation in Learning Mathematics Through the Adobe Flash Cs 5.0 Game Abstract  PDF
Fathoni Fathoni, Siti Maghfirotun Amin, Siti Khabibah
Vol 3, No 1 (2021) Online Learning: Student's Perception off Lecturer's Competence and its Influence on Achievement Motivation Abstract  PDF
Jaka Wijaya Kusuma, Hamidah Hamidah
Vol 2, No 2 (2020): February 2020 The Effect of Learning Habits and Learning Motivation on The Learning Achievement of The Workshop Theory in Aviation Politechnic Surabaya Abstract
Jamaludin Jamaludin, Hariadi Eko, Wardhono Arie
Vol 2, No 9 (2020): September 2020 The Implementation of Blended Learning Model on Motivation and Students’ Learning Achievement Abstract  PDF
Zeinor Rahman, Tri Rijanto, Ismet Basuki, Meini Sondang Sumbawati
Vol 5, No 1 (2023) The influence of life skills education through UMKM crafts making beautiful Besek on increasing work motivation and fulfilling family needs in Pucanganak village, Tugu district, Trenggalek regency Abstract  PDF
Sri Haryati, Yatim Riyanto, Gunarti Dwi Lestari
Vol 1, No 2 (2019): June 2019 Influence of Learning Model Type Cooperative Scramble with Picture Media on Motivation and Student’s Learning Outcomes of IPS Class 2 SDN 2 Tropodo Abstract  PDF
Atik Artiningsih, Yatim Riyanto, Harmanto Harmanto
Vol 3, No 3 (2021) Analysis of Learning Motivation on Students Activities of Package C Equality Program in Nganjuk District Abstract  PDF
Moh. Ghoizi Eriyanto, Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, Soedjarwo Soedjarwo
Vol 1, No 5 (2019): September 2019 Contribution of Certification and School Climate Allowances to The Motivation of Teacher Work in the Middle School District of Kinali, West Pasaman Regency Abstract  PDF
Lusiana Lusiana, Kasman Rukun, Yahya Yahya
Vol 2, No 9 (2020): September 2020 The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model For Student Competence In Computer System Learning Eyes Reviewed From Class X Multimedia Achievement Motivation In Vocational School 10 Surabaya Abstract  PDF
Hendra Agusvianto, Ismet Basuki, Euis Ismayati
Vol 1, No 6 (2019): October 2019 The Contribution of Teachers’Motivation and Characteristics on the Teachers’ Performance in Junior High School of Maarif Metro Lampung Abstract  PDF
Ali Mashari, Ida Umami
Vol 4, No 2 (2022) The effect of training and motivation on the performance of Medan City public works (PU) employees Abstract  PDF
David Rajohim Sihombing, Deby Fitriani Sinaga, Inka Agnes Br Tarigan, Melinda Siregar
Vol 1, No 3 (2019): July 2019 Regression Analysis of Breaststroke Swim Performance From Physical, Physiological and Energy Parameters Abstract  PDF
Maulidin Maulidin, Asmawi Asmawi, James Tangkudung
Vol 2, No 3 (2020): March 2020 The Effect of Use Interactive Learning Media Environment-based and Learning Motivation on Science Learning Outcomes Abstract
Siti Sahronih, Agung Purwanto, M. Syarif Sumantri
Vol 2, No 2 (2020): February 2020 The Development of Learning Model Through Problem Based Introduction (PBI) on Student’s Motivation Improvement in Mathematics Education Abstract  PDF
Surya Wisada Dachi, Ismail Hanif Batubara
Vol 3, No 3 (2021) The Influence of Pedagogic Competency, Leadership of Schools, and Work Motivation Towards Teacher Performance in State Elementary Schools in Medan City Abstract  PDF
Elly Romy, Muhammad Ardansyah, Hambali Hambali
Vol 2, No 1 (2020): January 2020 Influence of Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Creativity in SMA Negeri Region II Jakarta Barat Abstract  PDF
Daru Rajindra, Neti Karnati, Totok Amin Soefijanto
Vol 2, No 8 (2020): August 2020 Jirqa Learning Strategies: Influence Student Learning Outcomes Based on Motivation Level Abstract  PDF
Silfi Faizatuluhmi, Ratna Komala, Rusdi Rusdi
Vol 4, No 2 (2022) The effect of communication and motivation on employee performance at PT. Transdata Satkomindo Medan Abstract  PDF
Ivan Diego Tua Damanik, Devi Sartika Sihombing, Garbiella Dwi Oktaviani Sinaga, Rachel Yemima Hutasoit, Melinda Siregar
Vol 2, No 2 (2020): February 2020 The Effect of Power and Motivation in Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Madrasah Aliyah in Central Lombok District Abstract
M. Rasyid Ridlo, Suparno Eko Widodo, Elianasari Elianasari
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