The Development of Learning Model Through Problem Based Introduction (PBI) on Student’s Motivation Improvement in Mathematics Education

Surya Wisada Dachi, Ismail Hanif Batubara


The formulations of the study conclude into two aspects, that are: (1) How effective problem-based introduction (PBI) model for mathematics education students' motivation FKIP UMSU; (2) Does the learning model through Problem-Based Introduction provides a significant improvement on students' motivation. The objectives of this study were: (1) To determine the effectiveness of the problem-based introduction (PBI) model on mathematics education students' motivation in FKIP UMSU, (2) To increase the motivation for mathematics education students to FKIP UMSU through a problem-based introduction (PBI) model. From the results of the research carried out by developing a learning device based on a problem-based introduction (PBI) model to improve the learning motivation of mathematics education students at FKIP UMSU. From the hypothesis calculation data obtained t count > t table is 4,803 > 2,005 so that Ho rejected and Ha is accepted.


Learning Model; Problem-Based Introduction; Student’s Motivation Improvement; Mathematics Education ;

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