Table of Contents
Impact of elearning on motivation and critical thinking ability of multimedia major vocational school students
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.3508
Abstract views : 311 times
Tyo Wildan Afrizal Fardani, Meini Sondang Sumbawati, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, Tri Rijanto
Analysis of the use of edu-learning in basic programming competencies at SMK Ketintang Surabaya in the Covid-19 Pandemic era
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.3513
Abstract views : 196 times
Khusnul Khotimah, Marniati Marniati, Agung Nugroho, Abdul Hadi, Ali Nur Fathoni
Teachers' perception of gender on gender-responsive learning in the vocational school of tourism
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.5508
Abstract views : 288 times
Setiawan Wijanarko, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Maspiyah Maspiyah, Tri Rijanto
Customer relationship management strategy in Starbucks card optimization in the Pandemic era
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.6817
Abstract views : 2436 times
Hartoyo Munifa
The development of water tube media nature theme to improve soft skills and early childhood language
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.4949
Abstract views : 275 times
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Perception of vocational school students towards online learning and their TOEIC scores
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.5734
Abstract views : 1478 times
Putu Ranti Wijayanti, Tono Suwartono, Lintang Kusuma
Behavioral cognitive therapy to reduce cyberbullying behavior in adolescents during the Covid-19 Pandemic
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.6818
Abstract views : 527 times
Mety Tri Nur Nuzulawati, Kamsih Astuti
Blended learning model based on portfolio and HOTS: How is it developed in LPTKs?
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.6299
Abstract views : 1068 times
Edy Herianto, Dahlan Dahlan, I Nengah Agus Tripayana, Basariah Basariah, Rr. Nanik Setyowati
The evaluation of Indonesian migrant workers empowerment program at BP3TKI Serang
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.6731
Abstract views : 145 times
Ferdinand Nababan, Suryadi Suryadi, Matin Matin
The social capital in business organizations: A case study of PT Asia Motor vehicle insurance claim polysindo crime in Jakarta
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.6619
Abstract views : 474 times
Antonius Anton Lie
Relationship between emotional intelligence and self-regulated learning of students in Biology subjects
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i1.6819
Abstract views : 607 times
Romy Faisal Mustofa, Mega Rachmawati, Egi Nuryadin
Strengthening the character of Nationalism on the Island of Borneo
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v4i2.7281
Abstract views : 216 times
S Suriadi, Triyo Supriyatno, M Mursidin, S Serli