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Table of Contents
Developing Encyclopaedia Media on Form and Function of Plant to Train Elementary Students' Critical Thinking Skill
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2514
Abstract views : 387 times
Yeny Erawati, Raharjo Raharjo, Utiya Azizah
Vocational Campus Readiness In The Disruption Era: A Case Study In Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2570
Abstract views : 470 times
Linda Winiasri, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Meini Sondang Sumbawati
Influence of Leadership Orientation and Level of Awards Against Employee Loyalty in Lancang Kuning University
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2697
Abstract views : 877 times
Abrar Tanjung, Giatman Giatman, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Syahril Syahril
Implementation of Somatic, Auditory, Visual and Intellectual (SAVI) Approaches to Improve Student's Mathematics Communication Skills in SMK Negeri 1 Nisam
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2729
Abstract views : 416 times
Muhammad Ichsan Abda, Muliana Muliana, Mutia Fonna
Contribution of Planning And Media Toward Management of Learning Quality that is Implemented Teacher Junior High School Sub District Koto Tangah Padang
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2698
Abstract views : 300 times
Soimah Soimah, Sufyarma Marsidin, Jamaris Jamna
The Effect of Career Development, Competence And Compensation of Intention To Leave Employees In Ekasakti University of Padang
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2699
Abstract views : 785 times
Melda Fajra, Rina Novalinda, M. Giatman, Syahril Syahril
Analysis of Factors That Influence The Development of Lecturer Career in YLPTK Optimization Refraction In Padang
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2700
Abstract views : 351 times
Rina Novalinda, Melda Fajra, M. Giatman, Syahril Syahril
The Effect of Group Cohesivity, Working Satisfaction, And Team Effectivity Toward Senior High School Teachers’ Working Productivity
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2701
Abstract views : 1143 times
Nur Hidayah, Suparno Eko Widodo, Thamrin Abdullah
The Evaluation of Curriculum 2013 Policy on Travelling Business Skill Program At Smkn 4 Mataram
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2702
Abstract views : 324 times
Muhtadi Hairi, Unifah Rosyadi, Neti Karnati, Muhamad Suhardi
Evaluation of Madrasah-Based Management Programs In Private Aliyah Madrasah In Jonggat District, Lombok Central Nusa Tenggara Barat
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2703
Abstract views : 286 times
Muhamad Suhardi, Didi Mulyadi, Syafaat Ariful Huda
The Development of Digital Textbooks 来学汉语lái xué Hànyǔ based on the 2013 Curriculum Cross-Major Courses of Mandarin for the Tenth Graders
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2704
Abstract views : 302 times
Asmania Rizki Nurjannah Sulistyo, Maria Mintowati, Suyatno Suyatno
Decision Making In Public Junior High Schools Of Tangerang City And Regency
DOI : 10.29103/ijevs.v2i6.2705
Abstract views : 286 times
Muhamad Suhardi, Syafa’at Ariful Huda