This issue has been available online since 30th May 2021 for the regular issue of May 2021. All articles in this issue (9 original research articles, and 1 literature review article) were authored/co-authored by 25 authors from 2 countries (Nigeria, and Indonesia).
The author countries are coming from:
Table of Contents
Challenges of Teaching Mathematics to Students With Visual Impairment
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.2538
Abstract views : 1409 times
M S Oyebanji, Ubong Sam Idiong
The Improving Students’ Mathematics Results and Interest Through Online-Based Flipped Classroom Models
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.2919
Abstract views : 854 times
H Hamidah, Jaka Wijaya Kusuma
Indirect Analogical Reasoning Components
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.2939
Abstract views : 367 times
K Kristayulita
Science Students’ Spontaneous Utilization of School Library with Logistic Growth Model: A Focus on Gender
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.2894
Abstract views : 264 times
Chinedu Victor Obasi
Performance Analysis of Students Through Critical Thinking Ability Based on Mathematic Ability
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.2737
Abstract views : 550 times
Qurrota A’yun, Rosita Yanuarti, Dimas Anditha Cahyo Sujiwo
The Implementation of Group Investigation Learning Model Through Domino Mathematics Media on the Rank Number and Root Form Materials
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.3118
Abstract views : 442 times
Cut Yuniza Eviyanti, Lia Rista, Siti Hadijah, A Andriani
The Development of Multiple Intelligence Based Textbook
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.3320
Abstract views : 392 times
S Suwanto, Azrina Purba
How a Traditional Homemaker Predicts: An Ethnographic Study
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.2973
Abstract views : 308 times
Vici Suciawati, Mohamad Gilar Jatisunda, Nia Kania
Design Ethnic-Math HOTS: Mathematics Higher Order Thinking Skill Questions Based On Culture and Local Wisdom
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.3059
Abstract views : 1054 times
Fauzi Mulyatna, Aritsya Imswatama, Novia Dwi Rahmawati
Literature Review: Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability, and Students’ Self Regulated Learning to Use an Open Ended Approach
DOI : 10.29103/mjml.v4i1.3095
Abstract views : 725 times
Damsir Ali, Zubaidah Amir MZ, Kusnadi Kusnadi, Rian Vebrianto