Indirect Analogical Reasoning Components

K Kristayulita


If using different instruments obtained a different analogical reasoning component. With use  people-piece analogies, verbal analogies, and geometric analogies, have analogical reasoning component consists of encoding, inferring, mapping, and application. Meanwhile,  with use analogical problems (algebra, source problem and target problem is equal), have analogical reasoning components consist of structuring, mapping, applying, and verifying. The instrument used was analogical problems consisting of two problems where the source problem was symbolic quadratic equation problem and the target problems were trigonometric equation problem and a word problem. This study aims to provide information analogical reasoning process in solving indirect analogical problems. in addition, to identify the analogical reasoning components in solving indirect analogical problems. Using a qualitative design approach, the study was conducted at two schools in Mataram city of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. The results of the study provide an overview of analogical reasoning of the students in solving indirect analogical problems and there is a component the representation and mathematical model in solving indirect analogical problems.  So the analogical reasoning component in solving indirect analogical problems is the representation and mathematical modeling, structuring, mapping, applying, and verifying. This means that there are additional components of analogical reasoning developed by Ruppert. Analogical reasoning components in problem-solving depend on the analogical problem is given.


analogical reasoning; component; indirect analogical problems;

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