Historical Studies of ‘Andhap Asor’: Cultural Value in Labang Mesem’ Gate Formation, Sumenep Palace, Madura

Anggri Indraprasti, Imam Santosa, Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama, Pribadi Widodo


Study the history important to remain us about the cultural value that has been built as moral-ethic from our ancient, until now. One of palace that is consist lot of ethical value, was The Sumenep Palace, Madura—which was built in 1781, designed by Chinese architect Lauw Pai Ngo. The gate, or in other words ‘the entrance’—located at the front of the building complex, serves as access in and out of the palace area, which has its own meaning and impression. The Labang Mesem’ Gate is the entrance to the Sumenep Palace; which has the value of acculturating Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist architectural styles as well as Javanese-Madurese, Chinese and European (Dutch) cultures. The Labang Mesem’ gate—which has developed on Panembahan Sumolo era—has two types of entrance sizes which are still debate-able—therefore, through historical and descriptive studies, the research tries to reveal the meaning inside it. The research concluded that Tumenggung Ario Notokusumo, son of Bendoro Saud—or familiar called as Panembaham Sumolo—educate people with intangible cultural value about being humble soul—defined as ‘Andhap Asor, through formation of Labang Mesem’ Gate—so that the world could build on harmonious life even on their diversity.


historical studies; intangible education; acculturation; Labang Mesem’ Gate; Andhap asor; Sumenep Palace

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ijevs.v4i4.9055

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