The influence of location and service quality on customer purchase decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic at PT. Theo Abadi Jaya Medan

Yanprima Lusef Irianto Sidabutar, Yuliana Marito Pasaribu, Dyani Febbyola Br Sembiring, Melinda Siregar


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of location on customer purchasing decisions and how the effect of service quality on customer purchasing decisions. this research was conducted at PT. Theo Jaya Abadi Medan during November to December 2021. This research is a descriptive study with a population of 37 people with a sample of 37 people or total sampling. Hypothesis test used is multiple linear regression test with variable X is location and quality of service. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the average ratio of 30.27 measurements of the location variable was 3.355. The service quality variable (X2) with an average value of 30.51 while the standard deviation is 3.694. And the maximum value of the service quality variable is 36 and the minimum is 22 which is tested on 37 customers who make transactions at PT Theo Jaya Abadi. PT Theo. In the Employee Performance variable (Y) with an average value of 30.73, the standard deviation is 3.702 and the maximum value of the service quality variable is 36 and the minimum is 22, which is tested on 37 customers who make transactions at PT Theo Jaya Abadi. Normality test showed a normal distribution with a ratio of 5.44/0.759. in the F test, it is worth 236,946 more than Ftable, which is 2.67 with Sig 0.000 < 0.05. The related results show that simultaneously Hi is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that location (X1), service quality (X2) simultaneously and significantly affect consumer purchasing decisions (Y).


Location; Service Quality Customer; Purchase Decision; Covid-19;

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Copyright (c) 2022 Yanprima Lusef Irianto Sidabutar, Yuliana Marito Pasaribu, Dyani Febbyola Br Sembiring, Melinda Siregar