The comparative study of SAVI and contextual models in improving of reading comprehension ability in the Elementary Schools in Tangerang District, Banten Province, Indonesia
A teacher has responsibility and tasks to mastering the knowlege tools required by pupils in their learning activities at the class. The reading comprehension problem in Tangerang Sub-District is lack of reading comprehension ability among students about the story questions. There are 30% of the pupils from Class 5 who encounter difficulty when reading about the story questions they do not know how to looking for the storyline and content. As a result, their reading comprehension ability and rate decline as well. Moreover, when presenting the learning activities the learning method applied by teachers is lack of variation, and they only use the classical methods. Average mid-term exam scores in the class for the lesson of Bahasa Indonesia is 70 and it remains under the government’s target that has to have 75 points in average. The research purpose is 1) to know the influence of the contextual learning model on reading comprehension ability for pupils of the Fifth-Grade Elementary School. 2) to know the influence of the SAVI learning model on reading comprehension ability of the fifth grade elementary pupils. 3) to know which the learning methods is appropriate to be used to increase reading comprehension abillity for the fifth-grade elementary school pupils in Tangerang District. The research use 50 samples for the fifth grade elementary school pupils in two State Elementary Schools with the accredated status of “A” in Tangerang District. It is the quantitative resech with the quasi experiment research design. The data test uses the prerequsite test, i.e. homogeneity test and normality test. Mofeover, the hypothesis test uses the t-test and the one-way Anova. The results of the data test that use the t-test and one-way Anova show that the two model are able to increase the reading comprehension ability overall. The results of the one-way Anova test show that the results of comparing the two learning models that have the higher influence is the contextual model. The SAVI reading model has an influence to the reading comprehension ability. that the contextual learning model has an influence to the reading comprehension ability. the contextual learning model has a higher influence than the SAVI learning model.
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