Sports Education, Graduate Program, University PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya , Surabaya, East Jawa, Indonesia

Agus Irwan Alfiyanto


This study aims to develop a module for the development of freestyle swimming teaching materials using trial and error methods as a medium for learning implementation, a module for developing learning or free style swimming training to facilitate swimming trainers and as an alternative method that can be used by trainers or teachers in learning freestyle swimming. This research is a type of development research with reference to the opinion of Kaufman, (1979) which researchers have developed with the current situation, the product developed is a freestyle swimming learning or training method with a trial and error method that contains learning sequences and learning with a psychological approach to swimming students. Product development through several stages began testing learning design experts and swimming material experts, then making questionnaires validated by swimming material experts and also sports psychologists, then in field trials, testing small groups and students, testing medium groups and students and large group trials. The place for testing in the swimming pool is insan cendekia krian, the data collection technique uses a questionnaire by assessing the responses of swimming students and in analysis using descriptive statistics that are presented in percentage form. The results of this study indicate that, the product validation test by learner design experts with a percentage of 88.4% was very good, a pool material expert with a percentage of 95% was very good, in swimming student trials with a small group trial with a percentage of 84.8% very good , moderate group students with a percentage of 87.9% were very good, and large group tests with a percentage of 91.7% were very good. Thus the module for developing swimming learning using the trial and error method is feasible to be used by trainers or swimming teachers.


Learning Materials; Swimming; Breaststroke;


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