Strengthening Tacit and Explicit Multicultural Knowledge in Elementary Schools

Daniel Dike, Lusila Parida, Thomas Joni Verawanto Aristo, Muhammad Nur Wangid


This study aims to develop tacit and explicit knowledge to strengthen the values and attitudes of multicultural education in elementary schools. This research method was used a case study design, and it held at the Elementary schools in Sintang regency, West Kalimantan. The Findings showed the similarity of understanding among school members to the concept of multicultural educational Catholic schools, public schools, and Islamic schools. Conceptually the understanding of multicultural education has not been formulated in an explicit multicultural idea. However, the awareness of multicultural values and attitudes has been patterned through an attitude of appreciation for diversity, respect for diversity, living brotherhood and unity rooted in the religious values of Christianity, Islam and the local traditions of Dayak’s and Malay. Strengthening explicit and tacit knowledge in the process of education and learning to improve the pedagogy of equality and social justice at the elementary school level. This effort can be realized if classrooms are innovated into a multicultural epicenter. It is recommended that the process of socialization, internalization, and the combination of learning approaches and the use of various media, supplements, and multicultural learning modules. Those can be used to develop tacit and explicit knowledge so that multicultural education in elementary schools can be realized and rooted in the education process as one of the characteristics of elementary school education in Indonesia.


Implicit and tacit knowledge; Multicultural epicenter

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Glock, S., & Klapproth, F. (2017). Bad boys, good girls? implicit and explicit attitudes toward ethnic minority students among elementary and secondary school teachers. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 53, 77–86.

Jansen, H. (2010). The logic of qualitative survey research and its position in the field of social research methods. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(2).

Lee, J. (2008). Multicultural Education in South Korean Public Elementary Schools: An Analysis of Teachers’ Experiences and Perspectives and School Curriculum, 9.

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Majelis Luhur Persatuan Taman Siswa. (2013a). Kihadjar Dewantara: Pemikiran, konsepsi, keteladanan, sikap merdeka (II). Yogyakarta: Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST Press).

Majelis Luhur Persatuan Taman Siswa. (2013b). KIhajar Dewantara: Pemikiran, konsepsi,keteloadanan, sikap merdeka (II). Yogyakarta: Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST Press).

Mbula, V. D. (2017). Mendisaian kurikulum integrasi sekolah dalam dinamika perkembangan kurikulum nasional. In Rosalia Emmy (Ed.), Lembaga Pendidikan katolik dalam konteks Indonesia (ke 5, pp. 91–114). Yogyakarta: PT Kanisius.

Niken Widya Yunita. (2017, August). Jurus mendikbud percepat pendidikan yang merata dan berkualitas. DetikNews. Retrieved from

Nonoka, I. (2005). Managing organizational knowledge theoretical and methodological foundations, great minds in management: The process of theory and development. London: Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Nuraki Aziz. (2018, June 5). Temuan BNPT tentang paparan radikalisme di sejumlah universitas dipertanyakan. BBC Indonesia. Retrieved from

Parekh, B. (2008). Rethinking Multikulturalism: Keberagaman budaya dan teori politik (Terjemahan). Yogyakarta: PT Kanisius.

Rony Sitanggang. (2018, January 26). Riset maarif institute, waspadai 3 pintu radikalisasi di sekolah. KBR, Jakarta. Retrieved from

Salgur, S. A. (2015). Multicultural Education and Teacher ’ S Characteristics. Euromentor Studies About Education, VI(3), 7–18. Retrieved from

Sharma, S. (2016). Multicultural Education: Teachers’ Perceptions And Preparation. Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC), 7(11), 139–146. Retrieved from

Siswoyo, D. (2014). Urgency of the national education philospphy in rebuilding the national identity (pp. 104–111). Yogyakarta: e-print uny. Retrieved from

Stake, R. E. (2005). Qualitative case studies. In N. K. Denzin & Y. . Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 443–466). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications Ltd.

Vickery, A. E. (2016). “I worry about my community”: African American women utilizing communal notions of citizenship in the social studies classroom. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 18(1), 28–44.

Wilson, M. B., & Kumar, T. (2017). Long ago and far away: Preservice teachers’ (mis)conceptions surrounding racism. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 19(2), 182–198.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Dike, Lusila Parida, Thomas Joni Verawanto Aristo, Muhammad Nur Wangid