A Survey on Students’ Interests toward On-line Learning Media Choices: A Case Study
The advancement of Information Technology alters various aspects of human life, including learning. In the present era, on-line learning facilities are provided by institutions, ranging from formal higher education to open course-ware providers. On-line learning or e-learning is mostly achieved through stored media that widely available. These media take forms in various formats such as text and images, slide that equipped with narration from the lecturer, or a video where the lecturer appears inside the frames. We conducted a research about how students would response to the available learning media. The research was conducted with repetitive measures. Each measurement was a module that divided into three parts, where each part was presented to the student as one out of three media listed above. Hence we had three media types for each module. Each module took one week, and at the next week we gather their responses through evaluation forms. All modules were completed in six consecutive weeks. After all modules were completed, we analyze their responses and found that our samples responded best to the video with the appearance of the instructor/lecturer, then the slide with audio, and finally text and images.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ijevs.v1i2.1527
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Copyright (c) 2019 Daniel Febrian Sengkey, Sary Diane Ekawati Paturusi, Alwin Melkie Sambul, Chyntia Theresa Gozali