Hybrid-dynamic objects: DGS environments and conceptual transformations

Stavroula Patsiomitou


A few theoretical perspectives have been taken under consideration the meaning of an object as the result of a process in mathematical thinking. Building on their work, I shall investigate the meaning of ‘object’ in a dynamic geometry environment. Using the recently introduced notions of dynamic-hybrid objects, diagrams and sections which complement our understanding of geometric processes and concepts as we perform actions in the dynamic software, I shall explain what could be considered to be a ‘procept-in-action’. Finally, a few examples will be analyzed through the lenses of hybrid and dynamic objects in terms of how I designed them. A few snapshots of the research process will be presented to reinforce the theoretical considerations. My aim is to contribute to the field of the Didactics of Mathematics using ICT in relation to students’ cognitive development


Dynamic Geometry Software; hybrid-dynamic object; APOS theory; procept-in-action;

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