This issue has been available online for the regular issue of September 2021. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 35 authors from 7 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Norway, Germany, and Iraq).
The author countries are coming from:
Table of Contents
Short Circuit Analysis on Distribution Network 20 kV Using Etap Software
DOI : 10.29103/jreece.v1i2.5232
Abstract views : 688 times
Afif Arizaldi, S Salahuddin, M Muhammad, Vishal Jain, Govinda Prashad Pandey, Manoj Jagannathrao Watane
Design and Build Solar Panels as Source Rice Thresher Motor Energy
DOI : 10.29103/jreece.v1i2.5233
Abstract views : 289 times
Trahman Sitepu, Ayu Tamara Malau, C Cholish, A Abdullah
The Effect of Distributed Generator Injection with Different Numbers of Units on Power Quality in the Electric Power System
DOI : 10.29103/jreece.v1i2.5236
Abstract views : 343 times
Robi Kurniawan, Ardiansyah Nasution, Arnawan Hasibuan, Muzamir Isa, Muskan Gard, Shrikant Vasantrao Bhunte
Analysis of the Effect of Loading on the Transformers Usage Time
DOI : 10.29103/jreece.v1i2.5237
Abstract views : 409 times
Adi Syahputra Ritonga, Muchlis Abdul Muthalib, Muhammad Daud, Hamdi Akmal Lubis, Biswas Babu Pokhrel, Sudip Phuyal, Umakant B. Gohatre
Analysis of Technical Loss Calculation Using Load Curve Approach on 20 kV Distribution Network
DOI : 10.29103/jreece.v1i2.5238
Abstract views : 267 times
Rizky Rahmat Maulana, S Salahuddin, E Ezwarsyah, Baharuddin Ismail, Ashish Shrestha, Dhiraj Vijayrao Astonkar
Study Coordination Design of Over Current Relay on The Kiln Area Electrical System
DOI : 10.29103/jreece.v1i2.5570
Abstract views : 716 times
Raihan Putri, Endri Juliadi, Misbahul Jannah, D. R. Ramji, Waleed Khalid Ahmed Al-Ani