Hubungan Lokus Kendali Internal dengan Kematangan Karir Pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Malikussaleh

Ika Amalia


This study have aimed to determined the relationship internal Locus of Control and self esteem with career maturity in students of Psychology of Malikussaleh University. The population in this study are consisted of 162 students. The Sampling technique in this study are used Simple Random Sampling with Percentage. The sample are consisted of 132 students or 81.5%. This research have designed by using correlational quantitative method. The Data collection’s methods in this study have used three scales namely Career Maturity scale, Internal Locus of Control scale and Self Esteem scale. The Data analysis have used Multiple Regression Analysis technique. The result of the study showed that (1) There was a significant positive relation between internal Locus of Control with career maturity with coefficient rx1.y = 0,589 and p = 0,000 with the contribution of 34,7%. (2) There was a significant positive relation between self esteem and career maturity, with coefficient rx2.y = 0,565 and p = 0,000 with the contribution of 32%. (3) There was a significant positive relation between Internal Locus of Control and self esteem with career maturity, with coefficient rx1.2y = 0,632 and p = 0,000 with the contribution equal to 39.9%. thus stated that all hypotheses are acceptable.


Internal locus of control; career maturity

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