Journal title | : Aceh Anthropological Journal |
Initials | : AAJ |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (April & Oktober) |
DOI | : prefix 10.29103 by |
Print ISSN | : 2614-5561 |
Online ISSN | : 2746-0436 |
Publisher | : Department of Anthropology, Malikussaleh University |
In Collaboration | : LPPM Malikussaleh University |
Journal Description | : Aceh Anthropological Journal (AAJ) accepts the results of empirical research as well as a scientific view of theoretical conceptual using the Anthropological perspective of researchers, academics, and anyone interested in Anthropology studies. These journals apply peer-reviewed process in selecting high quality article. Author’s argument doesn’t need to be in line with editors. The main scope of the submitted article is ethnographic research / qualitative research on topics related to certain ethnic / community communities, arts and cultures of specific communities, cultures and belief systems, ecological studies and their relationships with cultures, belief systems and humanity in Indonesia, in Aceh. The critical review should be concerned with the literature relating to anthropological studies |
Aceh Anthropological Journal has been accredited SINTA 5 based on the Decree of the Director-General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Number 164/E/KPT/2021, December 27, 2021, regarding Accreditation Ranking of Scientific Journals Period II 2021. Dear Authors and Readers: In Vol. 6 Number 2, 2022. The published articles with pp.152-167 were canceled because it is an auto plagiarism result by the author. We apologize for our negligence. |
Posted: 2022-01-20 | |
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Vol 8, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Keterlibatan Masyarakat Desa dalam Pengelolaan Balai Ekonomi Desa (Balkondes) Wringin Putih
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15712
Abstract views : 140 times
Irma Yunita, Pande Made Kutanegara
Rasionalitas Pangilang Saka dalam Aktivitas Usaha Gula Merah pada Masyarakat Nagari Bukik Batabuah Kabupaten Agam
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.13307
Abstract views : 94 times
Miftahul Jannah
Transformasi Beut Gampong: Dari Sarana Komunikasi Menuju Gerakan Derma
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.16002
Abstract views : 109 times
Awaludin Arifin
Pengetahuan Masyarakat Mengenai Peraturan Perilaku Membuang Sampah pada Masyarakat Belakang Balok Kota Bukit Tinggi
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15624
Abstract views : 92 times
Hazqi Shahib Wirandi, Afrida Afrida, Ermayanti Ermayanti
Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Pasangan yang Menikah Dini di Desa Koto Tengah
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15801
Abstract views : 74 times
Hanifah Putri Nabila, Sri Setiawati, Yunarti Yunarti
Eksistensi Permainan Tradisional Tamtam Buku dalam Membentuk Keterampilan Sosial
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15874
Abstract views : 147 times
Dewi Ratnawati, Karsiwan Karsiwan
Harmonisasi Kehidupan Masyarakat Beragama pada Lingkungan Gated Community di Kelurahan Panggungharjo Yogyakarta
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15986
Abstract views : 94 times
Fitrianatsany Fitrianatsany
Islamist Networks in Southeast Asia
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15968
Abstract views : 91 times
Al Chaidar Abdul Rahman Puteh, Ade Ikhsan Kamil
Membentuk Karakter Pemuda melalui Pencak Silat Sekinci-Kinci
DOI : 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15974
Abstract views : 107 times
Bibit Suranti, Karsiwan Karsiwan