Policy Implementation of Echelon IV Position Become Functional Officials in the Procurement of Goods and Services Section of Sekdakab Aceh Utara

Ramadhani Ramadhani, Nur Hafni, Muhammad Bin Abubakar, M. Nazaruddin, Muklir Muklir


Study This aims To know the implementation policy equalization position echelon IV to be official functional as well as obstacles encountered _ in implementation policy equalization position echelon IV to be official functional in the Section for Procurement of Goods and Services of the North Aceh District Secretariat. Type of research This use approach qualitative. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. Research results show that the implementation of equalization of positions is very useful for the North Aceh Regional Secretariat PBJ because employees have a competence-base as an expert in the procurement of goods and services, and it has fulfilled the obligation of filling clerk formation official functional as criteria formation of work units PBJ procurement. Obstacles faced in implementation, namely this equalization aims to cut bureaucratic lines and save budgets, but improving the quality of public services has not been achieved. administration and has not been accommodated by the North Aceh Government due to the limited budget available. Expected results study This capable made as a reference For the development study next to discuss equalization position echelon IV to be position functional.


Implementation, Equalization, Position, Echelon IV, Position functional

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