Collaboration Between Actors in Handling Beggs in Aceh Utara

Najibul Fuad, Nirzalin Nirzalin, Nur Hafni, Muhammad Fazil, Muhammad Bin Abubakar


Study This aims To analyze collaborative policies and processes in handling beggars in North Aceh District. formation collaboration between actors related to North Aceh District has bonded tightly with condition social and economic local. Collaboration This appears as a response to problems caused by the existence of a beggar and aims To give a comprehensive solution. Qualitative method used with data collection through interviews, documentation, and observation. Beggar appears Due to incompatibility between standard living and rate income as well as the growth rapid population, no can be avoided that there will be a number big fewer people lucky in a manner economy. As a result, many people will lose work so beggars will continue to increase every year. Under the Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance model, Collaboration in handling beggars can be distinguished become three types, that is primary, secondary, and tertiary collaborations. condition beginning collaboration influenced by some phenomena, incl structure networking, commitment, and mutuality belief. There are also factors inhibitors and support collaboration. Research results show that moment These binding rules every agency related to handling beggars follows established regulations in Constitution Number 11 of 2009 concerning Well-being Social. Collaborative process This involved the Social Service and Satpol PP, while the Health Office was involved in the aspect of health beggar. Although the domination of Social Service in handling, collaboration has walked in handling beggars in North Aceh District. Supporting factors is actor commitment whereas factor inhibitor does Not yet exists bylaws and houses stop by to accommodate beggar. Expected results study This can give a base For increased policy and collaboration in handling beggars in North Aceh District.


Collaboration, Between actors, Handling Beggar, factor inhibitors and supports.

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