Pengaruh Penambahan Variasi Beban Terhadap Penurunan Pondasi Tiang Pancang: Studi Kasus Jembatan Aek Pardamean Baru Kabupaten Mandailing Natal

Muhammad Yasir Zuhdi Hasibuan, Emi Maulani, Yovi Chandra


The foundation has a very important role in a construction, because it functions to forward the load of the structure above it to the soil layer below, according to (Kadarningsih & Achmad, 2014) excessive decline or exceeding theĀ  allowable decline can cause structural damage to the building, so pile loading testing is carried out and based on (SNI 8460, 2017) the amount of trial load in the implementation of the pile loading test is 200% multiplied by the bearing capacity of the plan or the plan load with a drop limit according to (AASHTO LRFD, 2007) which is about 25 mm to 50 mm for the total allowable settlement for the bridge. This research is to determine the decline that occurs in the pile foundation of the Aek Pardamean Baru Bridge based on N-SPT data and soil parameters when additional load variations are carried out within a period of 50 years. The method used is a numerical method with Plaxis2D for single pile settlement and the Poulos method for group piles and the load is varied by 1.5P, 2P, and 2.5P of the plan load. Based on the results of the single pile settlement analysis, there is an overloaded settlement in the immediate settlement of single piles with the addition of load variations and there is no overloaded settlement in the settlement based on the plan load with an average difference of 150% against the permit settlement, while in the immediate settlement of group piles there is an overloaded settlement in the addition of variations of 2P and 2.5P. As for the consolidation settlement of single and group piles for 50 years, there is excessive settlement or exceeds the permitted settlement limit with an average difference of 102% against the permit settlement.

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