Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Teknologi (Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology) is a open access journal the aims to publish articles that contribute significantly to the of knowledge and disseminate theoretical of current research results civil engineering and technology areas. The journal publishes of twice a year (June and December).
The focus and scope of this journal are building materials and structures, structural,and bridge engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation & road engineering & policy, constructions technology, economy and management, labour safety, procurement, and legal aspects in civil construction, water resources engineering & management, coastal and port engineering, information technologies in civil engineering.
Manuscript are welcome in all aspects of civil engineering and technology areas. Submission of manuscript written in English with follow the Author Guidelines and next for an initial review stage by editors and further review process by a minimum of two reviewers with double blind system.
Information for Authors
The manuscript should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the journal. The manuscript must be written in English and follow the Author Guidelines. Please make sure that your manuscript is prepared using the journal template. Please download journal template format here.
Online Submission
Please submit your manuscript to this journal by ONLINE SUBMISSION.
1. Before submit, Author must register a OJS account. GO TO REGISTRATION
2. After register a OJS account. GO TO LOGIN
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
If any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: nurausrina@unimal.ac.id

Call for Papers 2024 |
Dear Researchers/Professors/Lecturers/Scholars We would like to invite you to submit a research manuscript to our journal. The journal welcomes research manuscripts on various topics related to its focus and scope. Research papers must be written in English and follow Author guidelines for initial review stage by editors and further review process by reviewers. Deadlines for papers submission: Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2024, submission deadline: 30 June 2024 (Open Submission) Vol. 1 No. 2 December 2024, submission deadline: 30 October 2024 (Open Submission) We believe in quality research work and for this our experienced team of editorial board will do blind peer-review of every research paper to maintain the quality standard of every volume. Looking forward to correspond with you. Please submit your manuscript by ONLINE SUBMISSION Editorial Team |
Posted: 2024-05-27 | More... |
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Vol 1, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Bagas Irham Azzahri, Abdul Jalil, Yovi Chandra
Muhammad Yasir Zuhdi Hasibuan, Emi Maulani, Yovi Chandra