The Bearing Capacity of Single Piles at the Aek Pardamean Baru Bridge

Bagas Irham Azzahri, Abdul Jalil, Yovi Chandra


The pile foundation is one of the structural elements of a building, especially the high bearing capacity at the deepest below-the-ground surface such as bridges. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a foundation to maintain the stability of the building. The main purpose of the research is to determine the bearing capacity and deflection of a single pile using the Meyerhof, Vesic methods, and Plaxis software modeling. The skin friction pile was adopted λ and @ method. The pile head deflection using Broms method. The end bearing capacity and skin friction of a single pile were obtained 183.86 tons, so the Plaxis software modeling is found 351.8 tons. The results of the bearing capacity between Plaxis and back analysis was differences, since the difference assumes parameter data and calculated process. The pile head deflection was found 10.39 cm movement to a lateral direction.

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