Kecemasan Komunikasi pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Unimal

Retna Aisyah Simahate, Nursan Junita


Communication anxiety is a fear experienced by individuals who deal with communication either directly or indirectly between individuals and other individuals. Establishment of communication anxiety tools is expected to help researchers and clinical parties who need these measurements to make appropriate interventions related to communication anxiety to students in Indonesia. Communication behavioral indicators of communication anxiety scale are obtained from 4 components: Internal Discomfort, Avoidance of Communication, Communication Disruption, and Overcommunication. The study participants were 115 people consisting of 35 men (30.4%) and 80 women (69.6%). The age range of participants 17-21 years consists of 26 people aged ≥20 years (22.6%), 50 persons aged 20 years (43.5%), 23 persons aged 19 years (20%), 15 persons aged 18 years (13%), and 1 person aged 17 years (0.9%). Based on the results of psychometric tests performed obtained alpha-cronbach results of α = 0.862 (very good) and 28 of 46 aitem have correlation value ≥.30 thus aitem of the scale of anxiety is considered good psychometrically.


Communivation anxiety; validation; reliability


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