Enhancing Student Self-Confidence through Cognitive Restructuring: A High School Group Guidance Approach

Niken Viska Sitinjak, Elni Yakub, Siska Mardes, Zurratul Muna


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive restructuring through group guidance in enhancing students' self-confidence levels. This research investigates the impact of cognitive restructuring through group guidance on enhancing students' self-confidence. The study employed a quasi-experimental design involving a pre-test and post-test assessment to measure changes in self-confidence levels. The participants were eight high school students categorized as having low self-confidence. The intervention involved a six-week group guidance program focusing on cognitive restructuring techniques. The results demonstrated a significant positive correlation between pre-test and post-test self-confidence scores, indicating the intervention's effectiveness in improving self-confidence. The findings highlight the importance of cognitive restructuring as a valuable approach for addressing low self-confidence among students. While the intervention played a pivotal role, it's essential to acknowledge the influence of other internal and external factors in shaping self-confidence.


cognitive restructuring, group guidance, self-confidence, intervention, student development

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/jpt.v6i1.11384

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