Traffic accident victims have the right to get protection as stated in Law Number 22 of 2009 Article 241 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, which states that "Every traffic accident victim has the right to prioritize first aid and treatment at the nearest hospital in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations. That the problem in this study is what are the factors for the occurrence of traffic accident victims caused by livestock and how are efforts to protect victims of traffic accidents caused by livestock. This study aims to determine the factors of the occurrence of victims of traffic accidents caused by livestock and to determine the protection efforts against victims of traffic accidents caused by livestock. The benefit of this research is to be able to contribute ideas to law students, especially in the field of Criminal Law, especially regarding all aspects related to traffic accident regulations caused by livestock.The method that the researcher uses is the empirical juridical method with qualitative analysis. The data were obtained through library research activities and field research. Data analysis was carried out from the beginning and continued throughout the research process, including collecting data, reducing or shrinking data, analyzing data and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the research that became a factor in traffic accidents, namely the human factor itself, both from the driver who was careless or negligent so that his attention was not focused when driving, and also because the speed of the vehicle was too high so that the vehicle could not be controlled, and from livestock owners who not watching and letting his cattle roam the highway. And the protection efforts given to victims because no livestock owners were found, namely from the police who provided direct handling at the scene, and from the hospital providing care to victims borne by BPJS. It is hoped that the regional government of Pidie Regency will immediately review the Pidie Regency Qanun concerning Control of Livestock Maintenance in Pidie Regency Number 7 of 2012 with stricter sanctions and fines, so that there is a deterrent effect for livestock owners who let their livestock roam freely on the road.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Hijroton H, Zulkifli Z, Zoelman Subaidi

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Universitas Malikussaleh
E-ISSN : 2798-8457