Evaluasi Beberapa Nomor Aksesi Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Terhadap Ketahanan Penyakit Hawar Daun (Phytopthora infestans (Mont.) de Bery)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate 27 potato accession numbers from crosses that have disease resistance of P. infestans ( late blight ), knowing the potential production of 27 clones of potato accession numbers from crosses. Results showed the intensity of the disease are observed including six resistant clones 22.22% (PT4, AP3, PT3, AP4, AP7, and PT2) with the intensity of attacks between 9.70-18.33%, 14.81% four moderately resistant clone (PT1, PT5, AP8 and AP2) with the intensity of 20.48-37.50%, 12% moderately susceptible clones 44.44 (RP5, RP18, RP7, RP16, RP 6, RP 8, RP3, RP2, RP14, RP17, Rp13, and RP10) with the intensity of attacks 45.00-59, 12%, and 18-52% five clones were classified as susceptible (RP4, RP15, RP 9, AP1 and AP6) with the intensity of attacks between 68.18-100%. Intensity of the relationship is linear with the number of bulbs, with the model equation Y = 17 594 - 0.174x. (R2 = 0.264), the intensity of the relationship with tuber weight is linear, with the model equation Y = 404 817-4.606x. (R2 = 0.297) and the intensity of the bulb volume is linear, with a regression model Y = 346 010- 4.081x. (R2 = 0.292).
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/agrium.v10i2.496
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