Biological properties of European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) in Dinsiz Stream, Turkey

Semra Benzer, Ali Gül


The aim of this article was to some morphometric characteristics of Rhodeus amarus from Dinsiz Stream. A morphological analysis of 21 morphometric characters were done. These characteristics  total length (TL); fork length (FL); standard length (SL); predorsal length; dorsal fin base length; dorsal fin length; head length; pretorbital length; eye diameter; postorbital length; interorbital distance; body height; preanal distance; anal fin base length; anal fin length; pectoral fin base length; pectoral fin length; ventral fin base length; ventral fin length; caudal peduncle depth and weight (W). The samples were measured weight to the nearest 0.01 g and total, fork and standard length to the nearest 0.01 mm. The total length (TL) and weight (W min-max) of the fish were 4.2- 7.1 cm and 1.699- 7.444 g, respectively.

Keywords: Rhodeus amarus; European bitterling; morphometric properties; Dinsiz Stream Turkey

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