Author Guidelines

The manuscript should be written in Indonesian and never published, may a research, case study, or literary study. All received cases should receive attention on difficult, unique, and rare cases with problem-solving that is very important to publish, should be written in the form of articles and not reports. It will be told not points.

The author should register as an author in this link, to submit and upload manuscripts. The author of the manuscript is liable for the contents of the published manuscripts.

Submitted manuscript and illustration legally belong to the publisher and should not be published in other media without official permission of the publisher.
The title should be no more than 14 words, describing the entire contents of the writing, the letters typed in Times New Roman font 12 bold capital. The title comes with the author's name, author's institution, address, and corresponding official email address typed in the Times New Roman 12 font.

Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English (with a title), maximum of 250 words accompanied by 3-5 keywords, typed in Times New Roman font 10, made in one paragraph without subtitles consisting of background, objectives, research methods, results, conclusions.

The subtitle is composed of Introduction (consisting of background, problem formulation, literature review and objectives written in one chapter without subtitles), Research Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (consisting of conclusions and suggestions, in one paragraph or more, not in the form of points) References. (See Template)

The research should be narrated in text instead of in points. Figures should be mentioned in the related text rather than as an attachment.
The manuscript is typed in Times New Roman font 12 of single space A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm), should include more than 15 references. The images should be in JPEG format and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), the tables should be included in the body of the text rather than as an attachment Figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and table titles and briefed information of the table written in Times New Roman of 11 font with single space.


(Bibliography is written in American Psychological Association (APA) Style)


a. Textbooks

Gronlund, N.E. & Linn, R.L. (1990). Measurement And Evaluation In Teaching. (6thed.). New York: Macmillan.

b. Textbook summarized by the editor

Effendi,S. (1982). Unsur-unsur penelitian ilmiah. Dalam Masri Singarimbun (Ed.). Metode Penelitian Survei. Jakarta: LP3ES.

c. Translated book

Daniel, W.W. (1980). Statistika Nonparametrik Terapan. (Terjemahan Tri Kuntjoro). Jakarta : Gramedia.

d. Thesis / Dissertation

Suyanto, S (2009). Keberhasilan Sekolah Dalam Ujian Nasional Ditinjau Dari Organisasi Belajar. Disertasi, tidak dipublikasikan. Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

e. Journal

Purwanti, R. D., Pratiwi, D. D., & Rinaldi, A. (2016). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbantuan GeoGebra Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematis ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif. Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 7(1), 115–122.

f. A collection of research abstracts or proceedings:

Paidi. (2008). Urgensi Pengembangan Kemam-Puan Pemecahan Masalah Dan Metakog-Nitif Siswa SMA Melalui Pembelajaran Biologi. Prosiding, Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional MIPA yang diselenggarakan oleh FMIPA UNY, tanggal 30 Mei 2008. Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

g. Internet

Rahmawati, U., & Suryanto, S. (2014). Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Masalah Untuk Siswa SMP. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 1(1), 88-97. Retrieved from