Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu Ekonomi

Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu Ekonomi (JAIE) is a scientific publication media in are of economics that is published regularly every year, March, June, September and December. The manuscript comes from the results of basic and applied research, and the results of the literature review in the scope of economics, finance, business, and management. Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu Ekonomi (JAIE) aims to publish and disseminate quality scientific research articles to academics, researchers, activists and all audiences in need in area of economics, finance, business, and management. Articles are written in Indonesian and english using the article templates provided on this journal website. Furthermore, the manuscript that has been prepared in the template and can be submitted online to the Open Journal System (OJS) in this website and to the email: jaie@unimal.ac.id Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu Ekonomi (JAIE) will process every article that submitted with Double Blind Review in accordance with applicable regulations. The author is asked to open an email account periodically to get information updates from this journal.

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