Journal History

Below is the history of Journal of Advanced Computer Knowledge and Algorithms:

  • The journal started its operation in December 16, 2023 under the title Journal of Advanced Computer Knowledge and Algorithms, also known as JACKA.
  • The journal led by Sujacka Retno, S.T., M.Kom as Chief in Editor.
  • The first journal editorial team consist of 10 people from 7 Universities in Indonesia.
  • The first journal peer reviewer team consist of 8 people from 3 Universities in Indonesia.
  • The journal started its first publication in January 1, 2024.
  • ISSN 3031-8955 (online media) is the serial number of Journal of Advanced Computer Knowledge and Algorithms since January 18, 2024.
  • JACKA and the Teuku Chik Banang Foundation came to an agreement on journal publication cooperation in February 1, 2024 The collaboration was bound in a document numbered: 72/UN45.1.1/HK.02.06/2024 and 08/PK/YTCB/II/2024. The document can be downloaded here.
  • JACKA indexed in GARUDA since April 2, 2024.