SOSIALISASI PENGGUNAAN LITERASI DIGITAL UNTUK MENGANTISIPASI BERITA HOAX DALAM RANGKA MENGHADAPI PEMILU 2024 DI DESA BURNI BIUS KABUPATEN ACEH TENGAH (The Usage of Digital Literation Sosialisation for Hoax Antisipation to Face 2024 Democration Party in Burni Bius Suburb Aceh Tengah Subdistrict)

Lidya Rosnita, Fakhruddin Ahmad Nasution, Asri Asri, Ezwarsyah Ezwarsyah, Rahma Fitria, Nanda Sitti Nurfebruary


The objective of this community engagement initiative is to enhance awareness of digital literacy, equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to differentiate fake news, and ultimately reduce the spread of hoaxes, especially in the context of upcoming elections. The target participants consist of village representatives from Burni Bius. A digital literacy awareness campaign was conducted in Burni Bius Village on October 4, 2023, spanning one day. This session was led by the head of the community engagement team and one of its members. The topics covered included the definition, types, and significance of digital literacy. Additionally, examples and various websites to counter fake news were presented. The training participants comprised representatives from Burni Bius Village. Evaluation of this awareness campaign was conducted through participant assessments and observation of high engagement levels, as evidenced by active participation and participant inquiries during the session. The methodology involved a one-day training session covering various aspects of digital literacy, including definitions, types, and practical applications. The session included presentations, examples, and discussions to enhance understanding. The effectiveness of the initiative was evaluated through participant assessments and observation of participant engagement levels. The results of this initiative indicated a positive response from participants, as evidenced by their active participation and inquiries during the session. Furthermore, post-session assessments showed an increase in participants' knowledge and awareness of digital literacy concepts and strategies to combat hoaxes.


Socialization; Digital Literation; Hoax

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Copyright (c) 2024 Lidya Rosnita, Fakhruddin Ahmad Nasution, Asri Asri, Ezwarsyah Ezwarsyah, Rahma Fitria, Nanda Sitti Nurfebruary

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UBAT HATEE: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

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