Emnita Boru Ginting, Muhammad Zarlis, Zakarias Situmorang


Signature is a special form of handwriting that contain special characters and additional forms are often used as proof of a person's identity verification. Partially legible signature, but many signatures that can not be read. However, a signature can be handled as an image so that it can be recognized using pattern recognition applications in image processing. Because the signature is the primary mechanism for authentication and authorization in legal transactions,the need for research on the development of recognition applications and automatic signature verification and efficiently increases from year to year. The method is widely used in signature recognition is a method of artificial neural network. On artificial neural networks are learning and recognition. One neural network algorithm is Learning Vector Quantization ( LVQ ) and Self Organizing Kohonen. Processes that occur in the neural network method requires a relatively long time. It is influenced by the number of data samples are used as a means of weight training update. The more and the large size of the pattern being trained, the longer the time it takes the network. LVQ is a method of training the unsupervised competitive layer will automatically learn to classify input vectors into certain classes. The classes are generated depends on the distance between the input vectors. If there are 2 input vectors are nearly as competitive layer will then classify both the input vectors into the same class. Kohonen Self Organizing Network is one of the neural network model which uses learning methods or unguided unsupervised neural network model that resembles humans. To speed up the computing process in the training and recognition is then developed an algorithm and a combination of LVQ and Self Organizing Kohonen by modifying the weight given to obtain a shorter time in the process of training and recognition.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/techsi.v6i1.165

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