Penentuan Kelulusan Calon Mahasiswa Jalur SNMPTN Menggunakan Fuzzy Inference System Mamdani (Studi Kasus : Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe Jalur SNMPTN)

Rahmad Hidayat, Mutammimul Ula


At The State Polytechnic Of Lhokseumawe there are several paths in attracting prospective students, which are  Bidik Misi, SNMPTN and UMPN. This study focuses only on new admissions to the track SNMPTN. The criteria used to determine graduation students in this study include UAN score , average report card score on the semester 4,5 and 6 and the average IPK score from the senior of student candidate . Each of these criteria will be used as the input set on Mamdani Fuzzy Inference. The UAN score has set of categories, low, medium and high. The second input is the average rapot score in semester 4,5, and 6 have the categories of low, medium and high.  The last input is the average IPK score from the senior of student candidate have the categories of low, medium and high. The next step in mapping the set of input to output sets using the set of rules. The results obtained in this study is  20.4% prospective student passed in 2013, 35.5% student passed in 2014, and 40.3% student passed in 2015

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