Mukti Qamal, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin


Despite the efficacy of minutia-based fingerprint matching techniques for good-quality images captured by optical sensors, minutia-based techniques do not often perform so well on poor-quality images or fingerprint images captured by small solid-state sensors. Solid-state fingerprint sensors are being increasingly deployed in a wide range of applications for user authentication purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new fingerprint-matching techniques that utilize other features to deal with fingerprint images captured by solid-state sensors. This paper presents a new fingerprint matching technique based on fingerprint ridge features. This technique was assessed on the MSUVERIDICOM database, which consists of fingerprint impressions obtained from 160 users (4 impressions per finger) using a solid-state sensor. The combination of ridge based matching scores computed by the proposed ridge-based technique with minutia-based matching scores leads to a reduction of the false non-match rate by approximately 1.7% at a false match rate of 0.1%.

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