Economic Empowerment for Santri By Making Pulp Paper in Dayah of Ulumuddin, Lhokseumawe
Ulumuddin foundation situated between the coastal area and forest area is surrounded by
traditional and industry plantation. The foundation has been holding some bording school education such as
SDIT, MTs, MA, and SMK, and esspecially Traditional Islamic School (Dayah). Most of santri look like lack of
living cost because they only hope the morney from their parent who is only pre whealfers’ family. Given these
circumstances, an effort was needed to improve the santris’ life. A partnership in technology, mentoring and
capital provision was taken through the Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Program. A design of big blender was
prepared and introduced to two group of santri. A group of ten santri was involved to the program of making
pulp system technology aimed to increase the partners’ revenue. The results of the cost analysis concluded that
the rate of return was 30%; the Break Event Point (BEP) was Rp.7.500/kg pulp; and return of inverment period
was 0.6 years in-service. Copyright © 2017 Department of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
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