Smoking Lifestyle Habitus among Female Students in Lhokseumawe

Muh. Fahrudin Alawi


This research examines the smoking lifestyle habitus among female students in Lhokseumawe. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The informants for this research consisted of two female students who were active smokers. The results of this research show that the smoking lifestyle habitus is formed through the social environment outside the family. Apart from that, an egalitarian and democratic atmosphere in the family environment is also a supporting factor in the formation of a smoking habit. The smoking habit of female students underwent negotiation after moving their domicile to Aceh because they had to adapt to existing norms in local society, especially the negative stigma in viewing female smokers who wear the hijab.


Habitus, Smoking, Student, Negotiation

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Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 109 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengamanan Bahan yang Mengandung Zat Adiktif Berupa Tembakau Produk Tembakau Bagi Kesehatan

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