Representation of A Harmonic Family (Naburju) in The Horror Film Sedap

Nuril Khasanah, Subhani Subhani


Film is a means of entertainment that has quite high appeal among the public. Films also have their own classification, ranging from children to adults. The film "Ngeri Ngeri Sedap" is a family drama genre film that contains many moral values and can be watched on Netflix. This film tells the story of a Batak family, Pak Domu, Mak Domu and their four children Domu, Gabe, Sarma and Sahat. At first their family life was fine, although a little strained, until at its peak the children were fed up with all their father's one-sided decisions without considering their feelings, making the family no longer harmonious. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. The aim of this research is to explain the representation of family that occurs in this film. Data analysis in this research uses qualitative methods with Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, where this research analysis emphasizes the search for the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The results obtained by the researchers were related to the representation of the family in the film "Ngeri Ngeri Sedap". The researchers concluded that being a parent is not an easy thing because you must continue learning, be a good listener for the family, and the importance of communication between parents and children.


Horrifying, Delicious Films, Family Representation, Semiotics

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