Implementation of Qanun Number 4 Of 2009 About Gampong Government (Studies on Task Force Pageu Gampong. Mns. Alue Drien District Lhoksukon North Aceh)

Fauzi Yusuf, Nirzalin Nirzalin, Nr Hafni, Dahlan Ar Rahman, Muhammad Bin Abubakar


This study aims to determine the implementation of Qanun Number 4 of 2009 concerning gampong government and the obstacles encountered in implementing gampong government carried out by the Pageu Gampong Mns Task Force. Alue Drien, Lhoksukon District, North Aceh Regency. Data collection techniques include observation, doing interviews and documentation. As for the type from study This use approach qualitative. Data analysis used data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal conclusion or verification. The result of this research is the Implementation of Gampong Qanun Number 4 of 2009 concerning government gampong carried out by the Task Force Pageu Gampong Mns. Alue Drien District Lhoksukon North Aceh district already done with well, implementation of government Qanun gampong carried out by the task force pageu that is with do approach communication with society; task force pageu own Human Resources are sufficient, though own a number of source constraints Power financial; task force pageu also has very good disposition in guard serenity and peace environment society; as well as, formation structure bureaucracy in success task task force pageu in the gampong. obstacles in Implementation of Gampong Qanun Number 4 of 2009 concerning Gampong Governance Carried out by the Task Force Pageu Gampong Mns. Alue Drien District Lhoksukon North Aceh district among them lack of own budget task force pageu, lack support administration in settlement dispute in the gampong as well as Not yet exists implementation of the task force SOP pageu in the gampong. Obstacles that occur in implementation implementation the hinder performance team task force pageu gampong in Mns. Alue Drien, so resulted performance task force pageu Not yet fully maximum. Expected study This capable m give information, knowledge and insight about implementation regulations and constraints faced by the Task Force Pageu in effort settlement problems that occur in Gampong Mns. Alue Drien District Lhoksukon North Aceh District


Implementation, Qanun, Village Apparatus, Pageu Task Force

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