The Role of The Aceh Utara Transportation Service in the Optimization of Road-Based Mass Transport Services

Bambang Ndaru Ardiansya, Muhammad Bin Abubakar, Muhammad Akmal, Taufiq Abdullah, Mulyadi Mulyadi


The Role of the Transportation Agency In optimizing road-based mass transportation services, there are many traffic violations regarding the minimum service standards of road-based mass transportation, the violations carried out by vehicle users are that so far many people use private vehicles or black plate vehicles as public transportation, many owners of these private vehicles do not have a business license from the North Aceh Regency Transportation Office.  The purpose of this study is to describe the role of the transportation agency and the obstacles faced in efforts to optimize road-based mass transportation services.The method used is qualitative with observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that the role of the North Aceh Regency Transportation Office has been maximized in carrying out services on mass transportation even though there are still violations committed by transportation with black plates. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced in terms of lack of knowledge of public transportation owners and lack of human resources at the Transportation Office are related to optimizing services in mass transportation in the North Aceh Regency area. Therefore, management improvements and human resource improvements are improved at the North Aceh Regency Transportation Office so that it can optimize road-based mass transportation services.

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