Implementation of Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions in North Aceh Secretariat for the 2019-2022 Period

Dehlid Nazir, Muhammad bin Abubakar, Cut Sukmawati, Nirzalin Nirzalin4, Nur Hafni


After the implementation of bureaucratic simplification in government agencies, the simplification of the bureaucracy had a negative impact on improving the performance of Human Resources in the North Aceh Regional Secretariat, in general employees in North Aceh Regional Secretariat in functional positions tend to be less desirable than structural positions because of the difference in the amount of compensation and benefits received, employees at the North Aceh Regional Secretariat think ASN is more tempted to occupy administrative positions compared to functional positions because of different welfare factors. Various ASN attitudes in the North Aceh Regional Secretariat towards the equalization of administrative positions into functional positions, including the lack of interest of ASN employees in simplifying the bureaucracy in North Aceh Regional Secretariat; lack of human resources in functional positions in North Aceh Secretariat; lack of financial resources for employees in functional positions in North Aceh Secretariat.


Implementation, Equalization, Administrative Position, Functional Position

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