Development of Catfish Cultivation Fishermen to Support the Economy of Coastal Communities
Indonesia is known as the land of heaven, which means that there is such a rich nature, both land and sea. Therefore, it will support the economy of a more prosperous Indonesian society. The same is true for the people of Gampong Pasie Kuala Asahan, North Kluet District, South Aceh District. Where is the position of the village which is on the coast which requires the people of Gampong Pasie Kuala Asahan to work as fishermen, farmers and fish cultivators. In this study the authors used a qualitative research method with a life's history approach. Since 2019 the people of Pasie Kuala Asahan have had the initiative to restart catfish farming which is carried out next to their respective homes by making ponds as containers for raising fish. The pools used vary from 7x9 m2 with a height of 1.5 m2 and some are 3x3 m2, 4x5 m2 and 3x5 m2 in area. The fish that are kept by the Pesie Kuala Asahan community are catfish, the reason the Pasie Kuala Asahan community keeps catfish is because the capital required is less and the way to care for them is more practical. In addition, the community can work side by side, namely being farmers while raising fish to earn more income. The catfish pond is an economic staple for the Pasie Kuala Asahan community.
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