Certification and Competence Policy in Kuta Makmur District, Aceh Utara

Asrul Fahmi, Aflia Riski


Teacher certification policy as an effort to improve the quality and professionalism of teachers coupled with improving teacher welfare. This study aims to find out how the reality in the field impacts the certification policy on teacher competence in North Aceh District so that it can become input for improvement in the implementation of the teacher certification policy. The research method used is qualitative research. Data obtained by using the method of observation, interviews, and documents. The research results show that the competence of certified teachers in North Aceh District is still low due to the lack of motivation and awareness of teachers to develop their abilities personally as educators. Lack of training in providing learning materials and mastery of technology is also a factor in the low competence of teachers. The lack of budget for holding ongoing training is an obstacle in developing teacher competence. As well as the absence of reward and punishment as an effort to increase the motivation of certification teachers to improve their competence and performance.


Policy, Certification, Competence, Teacher

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