Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Jurnal METIK (Material, Energi, Teknologi Industri Manufaktur, dan Konstruksi) is a national research journal and invites contributions of original research articles as well as review articles in several areas of mechanical and material science.

Jurnal METIK calls for papers that cover the following fields:

  • Materials & Mechanics
  • Materials & Processing
  • Fluids Engineering
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Engine Systems
  • Power & Energy Systems
  • Dynamics, Measurement & Control
  • Robotics & Mechatronics
  • Micro-Nano Science & Technology
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Machine Design & Tribology
  • Design & Systems
  • Manufacturing & Machine Tool
  • Manufacturing Systems
  • Information, Intelligence & Precision Equipment
  • Bioengineering and Biomechanics
  • Sports Engineering and Human Dynamics
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Industrial & Safety
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Space Engineering
  • Technology & Society
  • Law & Technology


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to this journal must follow focus and scope, and author guidelines of this journal. The submitted manuscripts must address scientific merit or novelty appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of articles in this journal by using a Turnitin software.

The research article submitted to this journal will be double blind review at least 2 (two) or more expert reviewers. The reviewers give scientific valuable comments improving the contents of the manuscript.

Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to reviewers comments. Publication of accepted articles including the sequence of published articles will be made by Editor in Chief by considering sequence of accepted date and geographical distribution of authors as well as thematic issue.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


About Jurnal METIK

METIK Journal is a national research journal and invites contributions of original research articles as well as review articles in several areas of mechanical, technology and computational. Published by Department Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of engineering, Malikussaleh University.

The journal aims to publish refereed, high-quality research papers with significant novelty and short communications in all branches of mechanical and common-engineering science. Manuscripts which describe the novel theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of techniques from other disciplines.

METIK Journal is applying double-blind peer-review process for the publication. Both the reviewer and author are anonymous. Each article is at least reviewed by two reviewers, which has high competency in the field of Engineering.