Syamsul Bahri, Dwi Pratiwi, Zulnazri Zulnazri


Abstract. Coffee is a type of plantation that has long been cultivated and has a fairly high economic value. Coffee comes from Africa, which is a mountainous region in Europe. In general, after being harvested the skin and seeds are separated, the results of the processing turn out to produce 35% coffee skin and 65% coffee beans, generally the coffee skin is thrown away as fertilizer. It turns out that coffee bean skin contains potassium which can be used as an additional raw material for making soap. One method to obtain potassium from the skin of coffee beans is by extracting the potassium found in the skin of coffee beans. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the extraction time of coffee bean shells by the volume of solvent on the levels of potassium produced. In this research, the process of extracting coffee bean skin ashes, by reacting coffee bean skin ashes with aquadest solvent at a temperature of 80oC. Where the weight of coffee bean shell samples 50 gr, and the volume of solvents varied 100 ml, 150 ml, and 200 ml, and extraction time 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, 150 minutes and 180 minutes. To find out the results of this study, pH levels were analyzed using a pH meter and potassium levels using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The results of this study indicate that the average pH value of the extraction result is 13, the greatest value of the analysis yield is 2.46% in the extraction time of 180 minutes with a solvent volume of 100 ml while the potassium content of the largest coffee bean shell ash is 9.524 × 105 mg / l at a volume of 100 ml solvent for 60 minutes.

Keywords: Extraction, Potassium, Reflux, Rendemen, Coffee bean skin ashes

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/jtku.v9i1.3033

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