Demokrasi Desa yang Cacat: Disfungsi Peran BPD sebagai Institusi Representasi Politik Desa
This paper analyses the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a political representation institution at the village level. The BPD is here to guard village democracy and ensure that village governance runs in an accountable, inclusive, and participatory manner. However, the BPD is often unable to carry out its role due to various obstacles, especially the domination of the village head. Using the context of Sukamenak Village, Serang Regency as the unit of analysis, this article attempts to answer the question: Why is the BPD weak and controlled by the village head? What is the impact on village governance? The results showed that the mechanism for selecting BPD members greatly influenced the power relations between the BPD and the village head. The village head and the BPD are bound by a kinship relationship that hinders the working relationship between the two from running professionally. The village head is too dominating, thereby weakening the role of the BPD. The weak role of BPD causes channels of formal representation to become clogged. Residents have lost channels to express their complaints and aspirations to the BPD. The dysfunction of the BPD's role results in a closed, exclusive, and elitist village government regime.
Tulisan ini menganalisa peran Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) sebagai lembaga representasi politik di level desa. BPD hadir untuk mengawal demokrasi desa dan memastikan tata kelola pemerintahan desa berjalan secara akuntabel, inklusif, dan partisipatif. Namun, BPD seringkali tidak mampu menjalankan perannya karena berbagai hambatan, terutama faktor dominasi kekuasaan Kepala Desa. Menggunakan konteks Desa Sukamenak, Kabupaten Serang sebagai unit analisa, artikel ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan: Mengapa BPD lemah dan dikontrol oleh Kepala Desa? Apa dampaknya terhadap tata kelola pemerintahan desa? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme pemilihan anggota BPD sangat berpengaruh terhadap relasi kuasa BPD dan Kepala Desa. Kepala Desa dan BPD terikat dalam hubungan kekerabatan sehingga menghambat relasi kerja diantara keduanya berjalan secara profesional. Kepala Desa terlalu dominatif sehingga melemahkan peran BPD. Lemahnya peran BPD menyebabkan saluran representasi formal menjadi tersumbat. Warga kehilangan saluran untuk mengekspresikan keluhan dan aspirasi mereka kepada BPD. Disfungsi peran BPD menghasilkan rezim pemerintahan desa yang tertutup, eksklusif, dan elitis.
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