Tezar Arianto, Merta Kusuma, Ahmad Junaidi, Furqonti Ranidiah, Ade Tiara Yulinda


Currently, more than a few kinds of road food are famous to the public. One of them is Lemang Tapai, apart from being scrumptious and having the traits of standard food, the charge is additionally affordable by using all degrees of society. Lemang Tapai is a food made from glutinous rice that is inserted into bamboo, this regular Indonesian meal is quite simple in the Bengkulu City location and is appropriate as a meal when relaxing, or at sure eve. However, from the previous until now, Lemang Tapai solely has monotonous variants, making it much less eye-catching to buyers, especially among children and adolescents. Especially now that food is popular with a number and unique types. From this background, the PKM FEB Team and FT UM Bengkulu noticed an enterprise opportunity and had been moved to make a one-of-a-kind and creative innovation, specifically Lemang Tapai with flavor editions (chocolate, jackfruit, and pandan flavors) and Tapai packaging in beautiful structure and with a company. Therefore, this enterprise deserves to be developed as a choice business for the welfare of society. Seeing this potential, the PKM crew furnished Economic and Digital literacy for the Lemang Tapai Specialty Food Business Group, Increased Understanding and Knowledge and Cooperative Institutions for the Human Resources of the Lemang Tapai Women's Cooperative in Bengkulu City, and made Sungai Rupat the Lemang Tapai Culinary Center Area.


Digital financial literacy, company institutions, Lemang Tapai culinary center area

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