Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam: Membangun Siyasah ‘Adilah

Muhammad Muhammad Rizwan, Dahlan A Rahman, Mulyadi Mulyadi Mulyadi


Politics has various images. Some see politics as a dirty and deceitful exercise of power. But some see politics as a field of knowledge that is important for human well-being. In Islamic literature, politics or siyasa is always considered to have a positive side because it is related to human arrangements to realize benefit. One of the pillars of Islamic politics is justice or siyasa 'adilah. This study raises the aspect of sias 'adilah and unification with political concepts that are generally understood in the study of political science using the comparative-qualitative method. The findings of this study corroborate that just politics is the core of Islamic politics and Islam forbids tyrannical politics (siyasa dhalimah). By putting political practices and formulas in a combinatorial way between politics and siyasa, it is hoped that a new political formulation will emerge that emphasizes more on aspects of justice and benefit in politics, not just struggles for power and interests.


Political; Siyasa Adilah; Justice; Benefit

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