Potensi Problema Yang Akan Terjadi Dengan Diperbolehkannya Kampanye Capres-Cawapres Jelang Pemilu 2024 di Kampus Oleh Bawaslu

Gilang Gilang Brahmadhan


This study discusses the permissibility of presidential and vice presidential campaigns being held on campus under the pretext of a debate format. He also stated that in the future it is possible that political campaigns could be held on campuses, as has been done by developed countries. The BAWASLU chairman's statement was also supported by the KPU chairman who stated that the article only regulates the prohibition on using public facilities, so there is no harm as long as there are no campaign attributes or use of facilities. The statement by the chairman of BAWASLU and KPU needs to be criticized because this arises from a lack of accuracy and caution in reading statutory provisions. On-campus campaigns have been prohibited by existing regulations, but under the pretext of a debate format campaign, it is very likely that this could happen. This cannot be separated from the statement by the chairman of BAWASLU who stated that presidential and vice presidential candidate campaigns were allowed on campus. In fact, if you look more closely, one of the campaign methods is debate, by boasting about one's achievements and denigrating one's political opponents. So this certainly violates election regulations.


Kampanye; pemilu; kampus

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