Peningkatan Kemampuan Dasar Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar di Desa Mundu Pesisir Kabupaten Cirebon

Mohammad Umar Fakhrudin, Marsani Asfi, Suwandi - Suwandi, Turini Turini, Willy Eka Septian, Oktavia Indah Lestari


Community service activities carried out by the PPK Ormawa UCIC Cirebon Team aim to improve basic English skills for elementary school children in Mundu Pesisir Village, Cirebon Regency. This program is designed to address the English skills gap often faced by students in coastal areas. The methods used in this activity include interactive teaching, the use of interesting learning media, and ongoing evaluation to monitor participants' progress. The material taught includes the basics of vocabulary, grammar and simple conversation that are relevant to children's daily lives. The results of the activities showed a significant increase in understanding and use of basic English among participants. Apart from that, this activity also succeeded in increasing children's interest in learning English and their confidence in communicating. Through this program, it is hoped that it can make a positive contribution to the quality of education in Mundu Pesisir Village and motivate children to continue learning English


Ability, English, Elementary School, PPK Ormawa, UCIC Cirebon

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