Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Siswa Melalui PMI di MIN Al- Wasliah Pauh

Usiono U, Bunga Roro Pamesti, Haniva Batubara, Mawar Islami Auzi


Leadership is one of the skills that is very important to develop early on, especially at the basic education level, because it will shape the character of students as individuals who are responsible, independent, and have the ability to contribute to society. This article aims to describe the development of student leadership through Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) activities at MIN Al-Wasliah Pauh. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach through observation, interview, and documentation methods. The results show that PMI programs such as first aid training, disaster response simulations, and social activities have a positive impact on students' leadership skills. In addition, students' involvement in PMI not only improves technical abilities but also instills values such as responsibility, cooperation, and empathy. Thus, PMI can be an effective tool in shaping students' character and leadership at the primary education level.


Leadership, PMI, Character Education, Min Al-Wasliah Pauh

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Journal of Sharia Economics Scholar (JoSES)

ISSN : 2302-6219