Analisis Keamanan Data Pribadi Pada Pengguna E-Commerce Dalam Mencegah Ancaman Pencurian Data

Bima Andika, Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution


Advances in information and communication technology have changed people's behavior, especially in buying and selling transactions. With the emergence of e-commerce, previously traditional consumer purchasing methods have shifted to e-commerce. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is a transaction carried out online using the Internet for commercial purposes. However, the emergence of e-commerce not only has good impacts but also bad ones, an example of the impact is the emergence of losses for e-commerce consumers due to crimes from the internet world, namely cyber attacks. This article focuses on how to prevent the threat of data theft for e-commerce users. This research uses qualitative methods and a literature review. Research shows that the threat of data theft affects the security of e-commerce users' data. We hope this article contributes to developing personal information security for e-commerce users.



Data Security, Threat of Data Theft, Prevent Data Theft Threats

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Journal of Sharia Economics Scholar (JoSES)

ISSN : 2302-6219